משרד הכלכלה לוגו

Who We Are

The Growth Administration is the executive body for the implementation of the national program for economic growth of the Ministry of Economy.

The administration was established as collaboration between the Ministry of Economy and Industry and Joint Tevet with the goal of accelerating economic growth in Israel over the coming years. The conceptual basis for this initative is to put into action the competitive clusters model by Prof. Michael Porter of Harvard University, which has been successfully implemented around the world and achieved great results.

The administration works to formulate and apply a growth policy through partnership between the business sector, the various government ministries, the academy and all the players in the ecosystem.

Vision and Goals

Growth in output and market productivity

Increasing the export volume of the Israeli economy

Optimal utilization of the economy's resources, including regional and sectorial dispersion and development

Expanding global investments in the Israeli economy

Regional economic development according to relative advantages

The National Program for Economic Growth

The Ministry of Economy and Industry is launching the national program for economic growth as part of the development of the economic vision for the State of Israel. 

From a concept of give-and-take relations between two parties, to a concept of leadership by the business sector and full harnessing of the government to support and assist according to the specific needs of the economic activities in which the market specializes in.

The program is based on the theory of competitive clusters, according to the Porter model, which has proven very successful in many different regions of the world and aims to accelerate the growth of the Israeli economy.


A geographically concentrated group of interconnected companies and associated institutions in a particular field, linked by commonalities and complementarities

Over the year 2023, a joint team of experts from the Ministry of Economy and Industry and researchers from Harvard University – from the school of Professor Michael Porter – studied the Israeli economy and adapted the global economic theory to an applied plan for its benefit.

Clusters Lead to Positive Economic Results

The Growth Administration | 2024

Collecting, mapping and analyzing data from various databases. Developing an advanced AI based system for data processing, research and accessibility to various players in the economy.

Development, preservation and strengthening of the cluster ecosystem on all its parts and levels.

Developing and updating tools for government intervention and multi-sector partnerships for economic development and encouraging investment in the cluster.

Promoting and updating new markets and exposing the Israeli companies and products in the cluster to opportunities and markets in the global market.

The Cluster Managers

Strategic Partners

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